6 Ways to Start Eating Better Today
It's much easier than you may think to eat better! We are creatures of habit whether those habits are going for whole, minimally processed foods or the packaged, overly processed variety. Even when you record your food in an effort to eat better, you’ll find that you basically eat the same things every week. When you decide to eat better and go for those healthier alternatives, the trick is to start slowly. No one can wake up one day with no training and run a marathon! The same thing applies here. Make small changes gradually over time to improve your eating habits.
1. Observe Yourself
For this first step, don’t try to change or do anything differently. Just go about your usual routine. All I want you to do is observe your habits. Jot down everything you eat and drink for a few days. This will give you a snapshot of where you are right now.
2. Eat Mindfully to Eat Better & Healthier
Eat with all of your senses. Sit down and really focus on the taste, textures and colors of the food. Put your food on a pretty plate. Only do one thing while eating, eat. Don’t eat in your car or while mindlessly browsing Facebook or scrolling the internets. When you pay attention to your food while you eat, taste it, smell it, appreciate it. This will also slow your pace and give your brain time to recognize that you have eaten. Giving you more satisfaction and walking away feeling in control and content.
3. Watch Your Portions
Have you noticed that portion sizes have grown, a lot, in the last few decades? Bagels have gotten enormous! Check out how serving sizes have grown . Then pick a day and try to stick to exactly one serving size. Going for a handful of chips? Place a serving in a bowl. A bowl of ice cream? Try buying a single serving size or measure it into your bowl. If you are tempted to go back for seconds where would that put you on the serving scale? Think about your goals, ask yourself "will this help or hinder my efforts to reach them?".
*Portion vs Serving, a portion size is how how much food we choose to eat. A serving size is what is listed on a nutrition label or recommended amounts.
4. See the True Colors
This is one of the best ways to eat healthier! Taste the rainbow... and I’m not talking about a bag of Skittles or M&Ms! Mother Nature has provided all the colors of the rainbow and we should take full advantage. Each color contains different nutrient and vitamins. Make it a little game to try to get two of each color each day. A banana, strawberry and blueberry smoothie claims three colors and that’s just breakfast. Get creative, make it fun and see what you can come up with.
5. Only Eat When You’re Hungry
When you decide to eat, honestly ask yourself if you’re hungry. If the answer is no, ask yourself why you want to eat. Are you bored, frustrated, stressed, or sad? Find other outlets for emotions besides food. Take the opportunity to journal your thoughts, find out what's behind the food. Turn on some of your favorite tunes and dance to relieve stress and increase those feel good endorphins! Feed your hunger, not emotions.
6. Mind the Liquids
Drink. More. Water. Don’t drink your calories - unless it’s a healthy protein shake or a fruit smoothie which counts as a meal. If you’re into soda, try to reduce your intake by one a day. Try to limit alcohol as much as possible. A grande latte from Starbucks is 190 calories and it has barely any nutritional value in it – and your mind won’t think of it as food. Jamba Juice’s 28oz Mango-A-Go-Go Smoothie is 510 calories and people think of it as a drink. Don’t fall into this trap
Get Started… Implement one small step at a time and before you know it, you won’t recognize your own healthy diet.